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Human being :: positions to the human being
Half length portraits
Half length characters
Whole characters
Nudes and erotica
Nudes X
Nudes and areas
Erotic nudes
Subversive nudes
The human being as personal area
Abstraction :: Areas and topos
Colour temperature perspectively
Drawings in rooms
Lyric abstraction
Gesticular painting
coloured pigments and colour spaces
Language and writing
Word and sentence
Written painting
Landscapes :: Areas, events and camouflage

Eintragen Austragen
bevorzugte Sprache
Deutsch Englisch

The center of the 2nd main topic “ABSTRACTION”; is polarity: Imagination, fantasy versus intellectuality in relation to creativity.
Research and painting are concentrated here on mental reality of the human being.

Mental reality does not turn out to be only in intellectual, realistic, discursive, focused on analytic, causal and logical scientific thinkings. Human mind is a also fact in dimensions of fantasy, imagination of synthetic, associative, irrational and crazy thinkings. What interests people most of all in this field of experience is, apart from the synthesis of rationality and irrationality, the handling and the navigation of mental truths. E.g. the ability to pool consciousness highly focused in one spot or to radiate consciousness eccentrically and radially just like a heater.

The term “topos” is used in the summary as mental or spiritual place. For him as a human being and a painter it is important not to see these mental and psychical Topoi as virtual or hypothetical. These Topoi are so real, that their painting can be understood to be a documentation of internal worlds and spiritual universes.

Curiosity mainly pays attention to relation between mental, psychical matters (whichever it can be) and space, that encircles them. Powers of this relation and its interactions take the center stage.

Polarity- Immateriality versus materiality – paves the way to creativity.

For him as a painter it was an urging question how to change imagination and valid, mental and emotional reality into a soulful picture.

This phenomenon of materialization of the immaterial is a further main topic of „ABSTRACTION“.


GERMAN :: ENGLISH :: FRENCH :: POLISH :: JAPANESE :: CHINISE traditional :: CHINISE simplified ::